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Will In-ground Dog Fence work for a Labrador Retriever?

Will In-ground Dog Fence work for a Labrador Retriever?

Your Labrador Retriever probably loves to frolic and play in the yard.  Chasing balls, Frisbees and any other object is what Labs are meant to do.  But can your Lab run and frolic as it pleases?  Or are you constantly yelling “no” or “bad dog” to your Lab because of the absence of a fence?  Whatever your reason for not having a physical fence, your Lab deserves the security and safety that Contain My Dog Contain & Train Electric Dog Fence of RI provides.  

 Dogs do well with boundaries – and also know how to test those boundaries, so being firm and setting the proper boundaries from the beginning will leave you and your Lab to have a long lasting, fun relationship.  The best way to set those boundaries is with an Electric Dog Fence.  The electric dog fence provides security for you, to know that your Lab is not going to run into the street and it provides trustworthy boundaries for your Lab, so that he can play happily without constant reprimands.

 The difference between hidden dog fencing RI and physical fences is the ability for your Lab to dig underneath them or even jump over them.  Depending on the size of your Lab and your fence, the possibility of your Lab jumping the fence is very real.  You can reduce those odds to zero by installing an Electric Dog Fence rather than a physical fence.

 Do you have a gorgeous flower bed that has become your Lab’s favorite bed to lie on?  Your physical fence could not fence that area out, but an Electric Dog Fence can.  Your trained consultant will walk your yard with you and help you determine where the boundaries should be – you dictate what you want your Lab to be able to get into as well as what he should not get into.

 Labs are fun, loveable pets that love nothing more than to frolic and play.  Let them live up to their name and run, jump and retrieve to their heart’s content without the worry of their safety.  Dog fencing RI is the best way to give your Lab the fun that he wants and you the peace of mind that you deserve.

 For more information on getting the security of an Electric Dog Fence for your favorite Labrador Retriever in your yard, contact the professionals that have helped many Lab owners realize the benefits of an hidden dog fence by clicking HERE or by calling them direct at 508-404-3647 in MA, 401-942-3647 in RI or 866-364-8724 in CT.