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Why get an hidden Dog Fence for Your Dog- Top 10 Reasons

Why get an hidden Dog Fence for Your Dog- Top 10 Reasons

Why choose an Electric Dog Fence over another means of containment?

Here’s why I almost always* recommend installing an Electric Dog Fence to keep a dog safely contained within a yard. Let me count thy ways:Electric Dog Fence top 10

  1. It works fabulously for most all dogs when trained Properly. (highlight, underline and bold the words trained properly)
  2. It has almost no visible impact on the yard when installed professionally
  3. The electric dog fence can be configured in ways that traditional fencing just can’t
  4. If you have a traditional fence (wood, wire, vinyl) and the dog is able to get over or under or escape from an open gate then the Electric Dog Fence PREVENTS the getting over, under or even ON the physical fence.
  5. Would you like a calmer dog or dog that’s easier to train? More time safely outside= more exercise. More exercise= calmer dog. Calmer dog is easier to train. 
  6. One a dog learns the concept of flags, audible beep from the collar and ouch! It’s very easy to transfer this conditioned learning (have the dog stay in a new yard) when you move or even temporarily bring your dog to,say, a summer rental home.
  7. Well this reason one family member may like and another may not but I’ll put it out there anyhow. I can’t begin to tell you how many folks adopt/get/find/purchase a second dog after they have an Electric Dog Fence because its so darn easy to manage a safely contained dog. Besides who doesn’t want their best friend to have a friend to play with when they’re not there?
  8. Is it easier to get the dog, grab his collar, find the leash, calm a fidgety dog long enough to clasp the leash to the collar, grab the leash, your coat and keys or… just forget all that and open the door and let the dog safely outside?
  9. It works when you’re there and when your not. Unlike a remote zap collar or tie out or even physical fence where you have to check to maintain that all the gates are locked tight, an electric fence like the Contain My Dog Electric Dog Fence work for you and are just about completely maintenance free.
  10. The  Electric dog fence from Contain My Dog Contain & Train uses brilliant lifetime rechargeable technology in it’s dog containment collars. That means you NEVER have to buy another battery for your dogs collar and you’re helping keep the environment green and more green in your wallet.

* The only dogs I don’t recommend using any type hidden dog fence are those dogs that have a history of aggression.