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Electric Dog Fence Massachusetts- Keeping your dog safe in your yard

Electric Dog Fence Massachusetts- Keeping your dog safe in your yard

Keeping your dog safe with an Hidden Electric Dog Fence in Massachusetts

Are you looking to keep your dog safely contained in your yard? If so, It may be because your dog has had one too many close calls with the dangers of the street or perhaps you’re tired of chasing your dog in your bathrobe at 7am or perhaps you would rather avoid the headaches altogether by setting up an Electronic Dog Fence.

With an Underground Electric Dog Fence the solution to to keeping your dog safe and giving you peace of mind is a simple one. From the time of install to the time you can safely let your dog outside is about two weeks.

How it works:

Contact Contain My Dog Contain & Train for a free consultation. During the free in home consultation the containment expert will survey your yard with you to help you determine the best place for the hidden electric dog fence. In other words you get to determine exactly where you want your dog to go and where specifically you don’t want him to be able to go. For example you certainly want to keep him in the yard but you also might want to keep your beautiful flower or vegetable garden dog free. This is usually easily accomplished with the Electric Dog Fence. You can create many ‘no-go’ areas for the dog within the yard boundary.

Next, the professional installers will carefully install your containment system (Yes, they even work around obstacles  in the yard like in ground sprinklers), then flag the yard to present a visual boundary for the dog.

Finally, and highly important is the professional training. Why the training? Well, because with the Hidden Electric Dog Fence a dog MUST be trained to understand the boundaries. This critical part of containment success typically takes 2-3 weeks to be completed thoroughly.

For more helpful information on how the Contain My Dog Electronic Dog Fence works call or fill THIS out for a free consultation.

There’s no better feeling for a dog owner than letting your outside knowing he’ll be safe in his home yard.