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10 Reasons Why the Electric Dog Fence is a Good Idea

10 Reasons Why the Electric Dog Fence is a Good Idea

Top 10 Reasons to Install an Electric Dog Fence

You have undoubtedly heard rumors about the Electric Dog Fence.  Maybe you know someone in your neighborhood that has had one installed recently.  If your first reaction is negative or shocked, it is time you learned the truth about the Electric Dog Fence.  Here are ten reasons why it is one of the best decisions you can make for your dog.

  1. Your dog cannot dig, jump or maneuver his way around an Electric Dog Fence.  When you have a physical fence, there is always the risk of your dog digging underneath the gate, jumping the fence or the gate being accidentally left open.
  2. You dictate the boundaries for the Underground Fence.  If there are “no-go” areas that you want your dog to stay out of, the electric dog fence can set those boundaries, allowing you to enjoy your dog rather than yelling at him.
  3. The Electric Dog Fence is less expensive than a traditional wooden or metal fence.
  4. Your yard will look as beautiful as it always did after the Electric Fence in Rhode Island is installed.  There are no visual barriers – allowing you to have a beautiful yard.  No one will be the wiser that you had any work done on your yard.
  5. It is easy to train your dog to obey the Electric Dog Fence.  When you have the fence professionally installed you will also receive our professional training, which will guide you every step of the way.  When training is properly followed, after two weeks, your dog should be fully trained.
  6. The shock is not harmful.  It is simply as unpleasant as humans get when they touch something metal after walking on the carpet during the winter.  The shock is the last warning signal for your dog and it only takes a few shocks before your dog will obey the boundaries.
  7. There is no need to put your dog on a tie-out or leash when you let him out in the yard.  He can run and play as much as he wants, which will equal a happier dog.
  8. You will set boundaries for your dog, which is imperative for a trusting relationship between you and your dog.
  9. You will gain peace of mind knowing that your dog is always safe, regardless of who opened the door, left the door open or if your dog was left outside for a long period of time.
  10. Last but certainly not least – your dog will love it just as much as you do!

For more information on how an Electric Dog Fence in Rhode Island can benefit your relationship with your dog, contact the professionals that have helped many dog owners reap the benefits of an Electric Dog Fence  by clicking HERE or by calling them direct at 508-404-3647 in MA, 401-942-3647 in RI or 866-364-8724 in CT.