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Should I do the training

Should I do the training


Hi it’s Casey Conrad with Contain My Dog. You know, one of the most important questions you’re going to need to ask yourself when investing in an electric dog fence is, “Should I do the containment training, or should I have a professional do it?” Really, it’s a matter of personal choice based on a couple of factors. The first is time. Do you have time to dedicate to the additional training outside of the frequent leash walking? Maybe you do. Great. Ma
ybe you can do the training. The second factor is a matter of how you feel about performing the training. Look, your dog is going to get a few corrections, and for me I just didn’t want to be the bad guy, so it was an easy choice. W
hen I got our dog trained, I wanted the professional to come in so there was absolutely no negative association between my dog and myself and the fence. For many dogs, this separation is actually something that accelerates t
he learning process.The bottom line is that you really have to ask yourself three questions.
1) Do I
have the time?
2) Am I comfortable doing the training with my dog?
3) Do I want to make an additional investment to having a professional do the proper and complete training?
Now, if you say, “Well no, I don’t want to make the additional investment,” that’s fine. You’re going to have to put in the time, and you’re going to have to be comfortable with the tra
ining and know that you’ll always receive an initial in-person instructional training on the day of the install.
You’re going to get a written training sequence, and you’re going to get help videos that will walk you through the process. You have a choice which is great.At the end of the day, you’ve got to decide what’s best for both you and your dog. For more helpful information and answers to other questions you may have, please check out our video library and learning center. Until next time, it’s Casey Conrad for Contain My Dog.