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Electric Dog Fence Training – Necessary or Not?

Electric Dog Fence Training – Necessary or Not?

The internet is full of ideas, information and plenty of people’s opinions.  If you have done any research on the Electric Dog Fence to keep your dog in your Massachusetts yard, you have probably come across conflicting information.  There are people that sing the praises of the Electric Dog Fence and then there are others that have only negative things to say about the containment system.  Many of these negative naysayers believe that the Electric Dog Fence is cruel.  These negative annotations are what the media feeds on and what gives the general public the negative feelings towards the electric dog fence.  The problem with this line of thinking is those that have not been successful with the electric dog fence did not get the proper training for their dog.

Can I let my dog loose right after installation of the hidden dog fence?

No.  This is a misunderstanding that most people have about the pet fence.  Those that let their dog out right after installation, fitted with the containment collar expect their dog to learn their boundaries on their own by getting shocked.  THIS DOES NOT WORK.  This will have the opposite effect that you hoped for – your dog will become afraid of your yard or even you if you are in the yard when he gets shocked.

Do I need to leash my dog?

Yes.  For the first couple of weeks, training your dog will entail never letting him outside without a leash.  When you take your dog out on the leash, you can control where your dog goes, how close he gets to the boundaries and how many times he gets the shock.  You are an intricate part of your dog’s training with the Electric Dog Fence.  Learning how to train your dog in the proper increments – not throwing too much at him at once will ensure the success of the Pet Fence for you and your dog.

Will the shocks hurt my dog?

No.  First, when your dog is properly trained, he will not receive excessive shocks.  You will not allow that.  The few shocks that he does receive are extremely minor and are not painful.  With the proper training, your dog is introduced to real life distractions a little at a time until you are sure that he understands.  At the first sign of fear or anxiety, you will back off, letting your dog learn at his own pace.

How long does training take?

Just like every child learns at his own pace, the same goes for dogs.  The typical training period for the Electric Dog Fence lasts around 2 weeks.  It is imperative to remember that your dog should always have his containment collar on even after the training period.

For more information on training your dog for the Electric Fence in, contact the professionals that have installed thousands of Pet Fences by clicking HERE or by calling them direct at 508-404-3647 in MA, 401-942-3647 in RI or 866-364-8724 in CT.