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Dog Training- Group Training or In-Home Dog Training?

Dog Training- Group Training or In-Home Dog Training?

If you’re actively searching for a dog trainer then you are on the right path.

Dog Training Help-Learning rather than guessing, being shown a map to follow rather than trail blazing with your new dog (or new to you dog) is a good part of the formula to having a well behaved and dependably trained dog.

Once you know you need help then what should you expect when hiring a dog trainer? Should You go to group classes? Should you take private lessons at a training facility? Should you have a trainer come to you? 

Sure, its cheaper to take the dog to a ‘walk in circles’ class at the local chain pet store, but really by the time you get the dog in the car-sometimes a training exercise in and of itself- drive there, get out, go in and try to hear the instructions of the trainer over the sound of the other barking dogs, loudspeakers, and other distractions you can find yourself- and your dog- frustrated beyond belief…

Often times the reason given for taking dogs to a group class is that they’ll get socialization.. Well, the truth is that most dogs need the RIGHT socialization at the right time. Most dog will do fine with other dogs. The reason most dogs are surrendered or given up or euthanized is not that their dog aggressive. Most dogs are give up because they are not able to integrate well into their family environment. Socialize at home first.

Most importantly dogs need to have proper social skills with their family- in the environment where they’ll spend most their time- their home. Training the dog what’s appropriate in their home like house training, signaling to go out, sitting to be petted not jumping up or mouthing/teething/biting to get attention. Staying away from the table when meals are being served, rather than begging. Appropriately greeting guests by sitting to receive attention. Willingly going into the crate – or other bedding area-at night. Dogs need direction, lot of direction and the sooner the better. Training should begin as soon as the dog gets to the house. Train them right from the beginning or you’ll be attempting to correct problem behaviors for years to come.

So getting the training right, at home is priority number one for most folks. So find a qualified trainer who know his craft: how to train people to train dogs. That way you can not just co-exist, but live successfully with your dog at YOUR  home.